Mirelótë has never seen a giant mirror-faced snake before in her life, but since it eats her and thereby transports her to a bewildering novel location in so doing it's not a priority to figure out why this feels like just the sort of thing that would happen to her.
Our race. There is a montage of images of a large creatures with insectile features four legs and two large wings. Their coloring is a mostly black with stripes in a variety of colors.
So you'd be in danger because of wanting to protect humans, not for having telepathy.
I would not be destroyed as you would be, my ability to care for humans would be removed. It is seen as a weakness.
There are drugs which change how my race feels emotion and enhance our telepathy. All imbibe these when they come of age. It is said to focus us, to clear away childish desires.
Yes. Perhaps I would not have if I did not have something to lose my concern for.
I agree. I doubt the books. Extinction seems too harsh a punishment for something they do not control. It is also confusing that All Mother would allow the gift to manifest in those she saw as unworthy.
Yes. In my world, there is an Allfather, and he made a lot of rules, many of which were foolish, for reasons of his own which didn't have anything to do with what incarnate peoples want or need. The intermediate gods, the Valar, have persuaded him otherwise since.
Have you met those you call gods? None claim to have spoken to the All Mother for many millennia.
I study them, especially how they think, and explain Elves to them where they don't understand yet.
I wonder if you could help me understand humans. I do not understand what they need. I have a computer translating the books from a building full of books on their world but that is a complex source to process. I also know what they need biologically but thinking creatures are not just their biological needs.
Could you describe an interface which would be useful? I can reproduce the books physically or on a computer. I can also explain their anatomy and the needs they seem to have based on this.
I can make computers with a visual, audio or telepathic interface. I think you should be able to give me your language so the computer will be understandable. Like this. There is a sense of a gift being held out for her to take.