Mirelótë has never seen a giant mirror-faced snake before in her life, but since it eats her and thereby transports her to a bewildering novel location in so doing it's not a priority to figure out why this feels like just the sort of thing that would happen to her.
Agreed. It's also likely to grant us a broader cross-section of humans than any specific falsified event which would be beneficial in some respects. Has your reading given you any ideas for the general design we should use for the facilities where they can live and function to start with?
Something like an apartment building seems likely to suit, maybe with a store of the sorts of things they'd normally expect to be able to go out and buy available in case we don't stock the apartments with what they like best.
That was roughly my original plan, though my original plan called for a rather large number of stores, and if we're planning to seek human input for a redesign soon after that arrival that seems less necessary.
Why a large number of stores? They're probably normally arranged that way for economic convenience and proprietor expertise.
Largely to be more legible. I wasn't predicting that I'd be able to understand why humans separated or grouped their merchandise the way they did so I planned to group merchandise as close to exactly like they did as possible, including borrowing the names of familiar stores.
Based on my surveys many stores seem to have similar labelling even in very widely distributed geographic locations.
Dwarves have a reputational system that might work similarly? I know less about orcs. Elves don't.
I wonder why humans are different. Regardless, most human stores seem to focus on either food or apparel. Stores for tools and raw materials related to construction and maintenance are less common but still found in almost every human settlement. There are other types of stores but their categories are less legible and more specialized. I also feel that we should offer medical facilities of some kind, I'm unsure how to construct facilities in such a way so as not to be unsettling though. I do not believe that humans have automated medical facilities and without special attention to that we can't rely on rescuing medical specialists in particular.
Hopefully people do not board trains while in urgent need of care. Since I have a body and don't look too dissimilar from a human I could arrange to be in the medical facility if any of them need it to mediate between them and the robots?
Many humans have chronic medical conditions which seem to be mediated by medication, or other treatments. Your presence seems like it could help. I wonder if robots would be more legible and less threatening than machinery built into the furniture.
It sounds potentially startling to sit down and discover one was abruptly very close to medical devices. I have noticed references to long term medical problems, but my preexisting context for those is low.
Do your people simply not have such medical conditions? That would go a great distance to explaining your immortality. I had previously thought that you simply regularly replaced your bodies. As for the abruptness, I had planned to have such functions mediated by trained humans outside of emergencies. I can understand regardless though.
Elves don't. We also have Maiar and Valar who can do magical healing. Orcs used to have a chronic pain problem but didn't find it impairing day to day, and it's been fixed. Dwarves do not tend to have chronic problems and can access Maiar if they need to.
That sounds very convenient. My people's lives were considerably shorter before our medicine became as adept as it currently is. What changed to allow the chronic pain of Orcs to be ameliorated?
Have you come across any human taboos that we should be careful about? For that matter do you have any taboos that I should avoid?