mirelótë and sapphire have neither of them ever met a human but they're gonna try so hard
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I was thinking the concert hall itself.


I'm not sure I could make a teleporter that big, my planned size could hold maybe twenty people at a time.


Entryway? Get them as they come through?


The teleporter requires about a minute to reset between trips across such a distance. I could run several in parallel but too many would increase the risk of discovery. We have about four hours of safe operations.


If distance is a factor is there any way to briefly store people somewhere closer to get more off the planet?


I'm already planning to route the teleportation through a nearby solar system under less scrutiny; the full trip is closer to four minutes.


And any closer is too conspicuous?


The trip duration is logarithmic. I could reduce the duration by perhaps ten seconds by locating the waypoint closer but I'm unsure how much difference that will make.


Dependent on details. Maybe there's some venue that has naturally batched or throttled entry.


Some human buildings have things called elevators which seem to fit this description but most venues expecting high throughput have other means of ascending.


Elves have elevators too but it would be odd for a trip to take a full minute unless you were going end to end of a very tall skyscraper.


I could make multiple teleporters that all share the same apparent location and thereby reduce the apparent length of the trip to people waiting.


That seems like it could work very well. How many teleporters can overlap?


I'm only meaningfully constrained by the total number of teleporters. To be absolutely safe I'd want to keep to four but depending on risk tolerance we could stretch to as many as 16. The limit comes from wanting to keep the impact below the noise generated by my mother's actions. Each trip generates a small impact on the local spacetime which dissipates over time. So having one teleporter operating at the maximum number of trips per unit time is equivalent to two at half capacity.


This does have the drawback of getting people from only one geographical location. On my planet there are three countries; on the planet where I was born there are more. They have distinct cultures. But they also have distinct languages; I suppose it would be good for the humans to be able to communicate.


Looking at a map from one of the books, I count about two hundred countries but they vary widely in size.


This is so wasteful. I wish it were realistic to just stop your mother.


I also wish for that to be the case. I wonder if your Valar can look back in time. My people have a limited ability to do so but our more precise scanners can only query the present.


The Valar can't currently do that, no.


Currently? Do their abilities change over time?


Occasionally they can learn to do new things with their existing power, and sometimes they can convince Eru to grant them new powers.


Interesting, I wonder if this occasion would prompt such a change if they find us.


Probably, unless it's Eru's fault to begin with and he doesn't like that ending.


Let's hope that's not the case, but plan as if it is.



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