was probably rebuilt for exactly this situation, come to think of it
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That'll do it.



And now there's a hell of a lot more of them.


Of course there are. Nothing travels in packs like idiocy.



Anna's not really looking forward to this, but you don't just refuse to defend an ally who's already given you critical support, much less when it's been only a few days since they did.

You brought this on yourselves, rabble. Come on, your sentence is waiting.


Rouen is stalking through the house, watching from every window. Where is the mob going? Are they moving to surround the house and attack from all sides, or focusing on the front of the wall? Are they coming up in vast numbers, or only a few?


Oh, there's a lot of them coming. But so far it looks like up the front.


The sound of crossbows cranking, bolts firing, strings drawn back and released - bolts made to punch through armor going through flesh and keeping going - the screams of men injured or dying, the thump of men climbing and keeping climbing - 


They're still coming, covering the fence like a vast swarm of ants and behind the lines someone's singing.

It'll be fine, it'll be fine...

Hellknights to the lamppost. 

It'll be fine, it'll be fine...

The hellknights, we'll hang them!


Why is every single song-sorcerer Chaotic. Why.


Occasionally Hèctor Rosa has contemplated making it illegal to hold unscheduled concerts. He has concluded this could not be thoroughly enforced and is therefore Unlawful to enact.


Thwock thwock thwock these armigers might or might not get killed, they can't control that, but they can make sure they don't have to face Paralictor Derenge and explain their incompetence. 


And then it starts raining, and raining, and raining. It doesn't look like it's going to stop any time soon, as the spikes atop the wall are suddenly slippery to the touch, then drenched, then cold.


The crowd is not going to be discouraged by a little rain! Hellknights to the lampposts!


Tomàs looks up, and briefly scrutinizes the sky. "That is not a natural rainstorm. It came on too quickly. The archmages are taking further action." Iomedae smiles on them.


"Then we will have an easier fight than expected. I hope I can sally out and take some ringleaders prisoner before they entirely flee."


"That depends on their composition." Rouen tries to avoid saying that things depend on luck or the gods, because the gods are evil and luck is just another word for fate, which no longer exists.


"Of course, Lictor."


(Rouen is at least as eager to kill lawless rioting scum as Rosa is. She's just shutting up about it.)


The first people make it over the fence without being horribly killed by arrows or crossbow bolts!


They are instead torn to pieces by raging axiomatic hyenas.


... Okay, raging axiomatic hyenas are the sort of thing that will give some people pause, especially when there's a lot of, you know, horrible screams and you can't see much because of the rain.

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