It is evening, and morning, on the second day. She gets dressed. Coeliaris has been in this situation before. A volatile city, civil unrest, mob rule. Westcrown, Cheliax. She prepares the same spells as yesterday. If something should happen- This time she'll be prepared.
1 [Mage Armor (every day), Clarion Call, Mage's Perusal, Mage's Perusal, Liberating Command (for protection)]
2 [Eagle's Splendor, Levitate, Levitate (For moving stuff into her portable hole), Rope Trick (for protection), Summon Monster II (for asking lantern archons questions)]
3 [Fly (for protection), Merciful Acid Elemental Aura(for close protection), Tongues (for talking to the monsters),_]
4 [Emergency Force Sphere (protection),Mnemonic Enhancer,_]
It is evening, and they're on their way home, wearing their fancy purple and green robes, in the latest styles of Absalom.