demon!Edie in daeva!Arda
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"Well. Okay. ...we should land some emissaries and explain the situation, should you come with us? We can hold everyone else farther out in the star system, I take it your world doesn't have ships that can make that distance quickly..."


"The fact that I'm a demon might be a complication."


"We can consult you on the planet's customs. Unless they are likely to panic and nuke you - are they likely to do that -"


"They will definitely not do that if they don't realize I'm loose." It doesn't cross her mind that she technically isn't.


"They can see the binding, though, right? - if this binding will panic them we could make a tighter one -"


"Oh, right, I have one of those." It doesn't prohibit her from doing anything she was going to do anyway so she mostly just forgets about it. "I guess using a tighter binding could work, although it might be better to send a party of you guys with us sort of just trailing along supposedly as daeva you just happened to summon rather than, like, people who would be involved in the process."


"Okay." Emily?


Is it okay with you if we dismiss you two and bring you back with tighter bindings, so we can have you on this planet without panicking the local authorities?


Yeah, okay.


Thanks. Tyelcormo?




Can you send Edie and Emily home and then summon them with a binding that will satisfy the most paranoid of locals?




It's valuable to have us along as advisors since we know more than you about local cultures and if you show up with two daeva summoned with bindings this loose no court in the world would convict whoever happened to notice first after they killed you.


Oh, I was planning to stay out here behind the gas giant, in case anyone's tempted. What kind of binding will make the people on this planet happy?


If you're not along I'm not sure how they'd react but it wouldn't be pretty and it wouldn't be friendly; that was just to illustrate the seriousness involved. She outlines a reasonably tight demonic binding that will nonetheless allow her to make all the things she anticipates needing to make, and leaves off the gag order.


I don't suppose 'look, they already had their chance' will help us any here?


If people acted like daeva were people it wouldn't have been so easy to pin the Alqualonde Incident on me.


This is such bullshit. 


Okay. See you soon.


Mhm. Binding's not going to satisfy the most paranoid people, fair warning, gagging your demons is standard, but that would have obviated the point of coming along at all, so.




Oh, there's a certain subset of demons who take summonses just to fuck with humans, which generally involves convincing them that souls are a thing demons can accept as payment and they should do it. It doesn't happen a lot but enough that we've gotten a reputation for it and most summoners aren't interested in putting up with it, so you show up unable to say--or write, or tap out in Morse code, or whatever--anything but "yes, summoner," or "no, summoner" to accept or reject deals. 


I'm not doing that. Even if osanwe'd be a loophole.


Pretty sure it wouldn't, and like I said, not in the bindings I gave you.


Although I do appreciate the sentiment.

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