"Excellent. Should you become hungry, there is a bowl of candy in the next room."
She pauses. "The pedestal on which it rests reads 'take one'. There is no need to feel guilty if you need more than one. We have run into problems with that in the past."
"...Is the next room also safe?" she asks, since monsters and ancient traps were mentioned.
Sable tentatively opens her groundsense and looks around for a candy-bearing pedestal.
The frog appears to be saying that many monsters will seem hostile toward her, but that for the most part, they are not bad people, they are only angry, or afraid, and that such a kind human should find it within herself to show them mercy.
"Ribbit, ribbit."
He adds that engaging one's foes in a conversation is often a good way to defuse such a situation. Compliments, in particular, rarely go amiss.
"How sure are you of that?" she asks sharply. "The world is full of people who thought they needed to do something awful for the greater good, only to find the greater good better served by a different intervention. You seem like a very nice frog and I'm sure you wouldn't be doing this if you didn't think it was important, but I won't accept that there's no other solution before I've even heard what the problem is."