And time passes. Almost a month. This is a milestone, for hideously unpleasant reasons which are, as a sort of silver lining, no longer relevant.
The milestone, however, is still relevant. Dragonets are to be named; shrens may not be dragons in any way, shape, or form, but they still need at least that much.
And, a few weeks later, with less meeping and more people-biting, the garnet shren ungraciously accepts the name Saandenalthra.
Right on schedule, the little garnet shren learns her first words, and then all of the rest of her words. Some of them are confusing, though.
One day, she runs up to Marrain (she never moves much slower than that, really) and flaps one limp, tissue-paper wing. "What are these? You're older. Why this?"
Right on schedule, the little garnet shren learns her first words, and then all of the rest of her words. Some of them are confusing, though.
One day, she runs up to Marrain (she never moves much slower than that, really) and flaps one limp, tissue-paper wing. "What are these? You're older. Why this?"
She gives her foster sister a look as withering as a very small reptile can manage, which is fairly. "I know they're wings, I'm not a stupid. But- they're supposed to be able to fly, right? You got that bit too, right? They're supposed to fly and they don't. And when I try and think about that part all I get is something in my head yelling at me an' I start burning stuff 'cause I'm mad."
She appears to remember something. "Also I burned my sticks. We need more sticks."
She appears to remember something. "Also I burned my sticks. We need more sticks."
"A shren is... similar to a dragon," says Althra, "except that, as you've observed, your wings don't wings." She crouches down to scoop up Saanden for transport.
"I got that, thanks," Saan grumbles. "But it's- I can poke at all these words and learn about them and it's interesting, and then I poke at shren shren shren and it- just, it's garbage!" She squirms uncomfortably, stymied from her standard coping mechanisms of "burn things" and "start biting" by the fact she doesn't want to hurt Mom.
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