They're dating!!!! Kaylee has a girl that she's dating!!!! She hadn't ever guessed it would feel this great! She spends the whole weekend abubble with glee. Lianne doesn't want everyone to know yet so she doesn't immediately tell everybody in the entire world about it, but she sits next to Lianne during the magical girl meetings, and spars with her, and hunts with her, and they are dating!!!!
"Thanks." She enters properly, shuts the door and sits down.
"I'm Tobi - did Lianne and Kaylee mention me? We met the other day."
"Thanks! So, Kaylee and Lianne I've met, you're Mallory obviously - " she gestures to everyone she names, in turn - "who's everyone else?"
"Nice to meet everyone. I'll let you guys take the lead, cuz, I have no idea how this works."
"Alright. We usually talk about how we've been doing, or other topics, for a bit, just to socialize and unwind, then we go out to train together, discuss tactics, that sort of thing. And then we go try to find as big a witch as we can together."
She chuckles. "I'm sure I could think of something. I'm probably not gonna stick around for more than like a week or so, though."
"That's alright. Do you mind keeping in touch, in case of an emergency on either of our ends?"
"Sounds like a good idea." She gives Mallory her phone number and email address, plus some contact information for "a guy named Tag Morgan, he keeps an eye out for roving crime waves for me as a way of tracking down big witches. He'll probably be able to get my attention if you can't reach me."
"Yeah. He's good about stuff like infosec, though, and my Kyubey watches his back when I'm not around."
"That's good. We've been hesitant, Kyubey said if we tell non-magical girls or potentials they're at higher risk..."
"Yeah, I guess if too many people other than magical girls are in on the secret they can become targets. Plus, if you're still a kid and you tell your parents, they'll try to make it their problem, and that never ends well."
" - if you were gonna tell someone, though," Kaylee said, "how would you make it... less dangerous?"
"Hmm." She frowns. "Well - in my opinion, anyway - it's really the sort of thing you should only do if the person you're telling can help you out from the outside. Tag's good at keeping track of crime stats all over the country, so he's a valuable ally, and I've known him since before I wished, so I know I can trust him with it. He doesn't want other people I meet through," she gestures vaguely around herself, "this kind of thing, to know where he lives, but it's out in the suburbs, because witches prefer the big city, and it's suburbs of a city that's got low witch activity already. He knows the kinds of places witches like to lurk around, he knows the signs of a witch's kiss so if he sees them in someone else he can run really fast in the other direction and get me on the phone, and he knows how incredibly stupid it would be for him to try to take on a witch on his own. So that's my advice." She directs her gaze meaningfully toward Mallory.
"I don't have anyone I've told, other than potentials, of course. Those all sound like reasonable precautions, though."
Kaylee nods. "I didn't really... have a plan for making someone my ally, or anything like that," she admits. "I just - it's been kinda hard for me to lie to my parents about this stuff."