They're dating!!!! Kaylee has a girl that she's dating!!!! She hadn't ever guessed it would feel this great! She spends the whole weekend abubble with glee. Lianne doesn't want everyone to know yet so she doesn't immediately tell everybody in the entire world about it, but she sits next to Lianne during the magical girl meetings, and spars with her, and hunts with her, and they are dating!!!!
She relaxes slightly when Tobi takes off, then turns to Kaylee. "So, since school's incentives for not skipping are horrible, and I can hardly get into more trouble, do you want to go get food?"
"I - kind of want to get back, to be honest."
She's never skipped class before. It is, somehow, much more unnerving an experience than facing down any number of terrifying familiars.
"Alright. How about we wait until next period, though? I don't particularly want to get suspended, and we wouldn't be allowed back in the classroom anyways... It's kinda a terrible incentive system, really."
"It's okay. I - don't like breaking rules for the sake of it, either. It's not silly at all."
Lianne does, in fact, get into a ton of trouble. She isn't banned from her 'scouting group', but only just barely, and she's otherwise grounded for three weeks - no computer access other than for school, no phone while in the house, and definitely no going places with friends.
Still, Saturday does roll around like a breath of fresh air, and she climbs gratefully onto the bus when it gets to her stop.
Kaylee spends the rest of her Thursday quite honestly terrified of her parents talking to her about skipping class. She feels silly admitting it to herself, but - she's never gotten in serious trouble with her parents before, and the thought of it is scary.
"I - "
She can't tell them but she can't not tell them but she can't say it's just nothing but she can't make something up, it's one thing to just not talk to her parents about magic stuff but having to make up a lie as cover is...
"It's not just today, Kaylee. Your grades have been slipping, you've been skipping your extracurriculars more and more often. And you might not think we can tell, but you've been more distant from me and your mom. I know you're afraid of getting in trouble, but if you're having problems at school, you know you can talk to us about it, right?"
Saying it would put you in danger would really really not improve this conversation. It's true - or at least, Kyubey claims that people who know about witches become targets for them - but she can't say it, there'd be no way she could stop her dad from trying to get involved and then inevitably a witch would -
She can't continue having that thought, so instead she says, "I know." Her fists are clenched, nails digging into her palms. "I don't - know if - I'm ready to talk about it." That's sort of true, they're gonna go public eventually, just not yet; it's more bearable than telling a direct lie.
Her dad sighs. "I understand." He rubs her shoulder, and she leans into his fatherly side-hug. "Just remember - it's our job to help you handle - anything. And I really do think that talking about whatever-it-is would help. Even if you don't think I can give you advice. I know I'm surprised sometimes by how much it helps to talk stuff over with someone."