They're dating!!!! Kaylee has a girl that she's dating!!!! She hadn't ever guessed it would feel this great! She spends the whole weekend abubble with glee. Lianne doesn't want everyone to know yet so she doesn't immediately tell everybody in the entire world about it, but she sits next to Lianne during the magical girl meetings, and spars with her, and hunts with her, and they are dating!!!!
"Ah, we'd probably just be sent to in-school suspension for the rest of class, there's no benefit to going in before next period. We get in the same trouble either way."
"Oh jeez, I didn't even think about that, I just - completely panicked as soon as I felt the witch."
"Hey, whatever trouble you get in can't be worse than fighting witches, probably."
"Well, me, Kaylee, Mallory, then three others about our age - Alex, Sophie, and Taylor."
"We've been meeting once a week - and we find decent sized witches most times, they seem to like this city. Though Taylor's young, she isn't helping fight yet."
"Like, fourteen I think? She also just wished, and has no real idea what she's doing. Mallory thinks she should be focusing on school and stuff until she's like fifteen or sixteen."
"Oh, fourteen, I was picturing one of those girls you hear about who wished at, like, ten. Fourteen's not that young for a magical girl, is it? I think that's how old I was when I started."
"Yeah. I think it's mostly that she's a bit immature for her age. Really hopeful, and none of us want to see that stop. Plus Mallory's got a point, fourteen's young to be risking your life. She'll be older soon enough. And... Kyubey seriously lets girls wish that young?"
"I mean, I don't see mine pulling something like that, and I've never actually met someone who started that early I don't think. But I guess it happens sometimes."
"I'll ask Mallory. She probably knows, she's met a lot of magical girls... And I could see ours doing something like that. He's - either plain horrible at his job or incredibly shady."
"Shit, that's gotta suck. I'm sorry. Maybe I should introduce you to mine some time."
"I mostly talk to mine, but I think most of them are okay. But every so often - you hear some shit."
"That'd make sense." She takes a deep breath. "Shit, I'm starving, I always get hungry after a tough fight. I gotta get back to civilization and get something to eat. - When's your group meet? I might drop by."
"Saturdays at five, in the community center over in Jackson, room 2a. We'd be happy to have you. And we just had lunch, but yeah, I know what you mean."