Feather is confused in more than one way by what just happened, but she thinks she understands the Outsider-humans well enough now to guess that many of them are probably confused too!

The important thing it reminds her of, though, is that there are Good clerics here (besides the Erastilians). She came here hoping to understand the Chelish humans, to reach out to them, from a position specifically of Good. And if the Good clerics are denouncing other delegates for being Evil (or secretly Evil, which is kind of a weird concept but it probably makes sense in a big gathering where people don't really know each other) - it's all the more important to talk to them directly.

Conveniently, they're all on the same committee and most of them are standing close together after that speech; she addresses the one who doesn't busy talking to the others.

"Hi. Can I talk to you? I want to - better understand Good, as you see it, and how to cooperate with the Good people in Cheliax. And which ones those are, I guess, going by that last speech."