"Oh. I do maintain all my senses a little sharp - not enough to feel creepy about it, by default, but I didn't have any trouble hearing you from here."
"My own mother's a quarter-elf, it's not creepy exactly, I just don't expect it of people by default."
"I wonder if most people at home will have better senses than you're used to from humans? I don't know what the baseline even is, but nobody wants things to be blurry..."
"That sounds like the sort of question that might profitably be asked of the knowledgeable interplanar bar," says Milan.
Kithabel lounges. She accepts food recommendations from Bar and pays her with 'Satrapy sorcery credit', which she explains as deriving from the principle that sorceren are a valuable public good and should not be inconvenienced or delayed in attempting to acquire goods worth less than a certain medium-sized amount. She gets a room and naps and comes back and reads.
Milan asks the bar for recommendations of informative or entertaining books from Kithabel's world and then sits down to inhale them.
Her world has a lot of books! Bar is good at picking them. He gets novels and histories and what little tidbits about Kithabel's language Bar can manage in the translation aura of Milliways.
"I think I can handle going back to spending every waking hour hard at work imposing my will on the universe now. You want to wrap up?"
"I have a friend who's higher-momentum than me, she'll be able to do a translation object, she's offered me one for if I ever traveled outside my linguistic region. Might take her a day or two to swing by, so tell me now if you're allergic to anything, I guess."
"Well, what's going to happen in the next day or two? I stay in your castle and attempt to creatively affect my environment; you go around sorcering and provide me with food and so forth?"
"Have you already asked the knowledgeable interplanar bar for advice and recommendations regarding useful things she can sell us to take home?"
"And seen examples so I can make 'em myself instead of having to haul 'em all through the door, yes."
"Looks like you won't be in danger of running out of things to do anytime soon," Milan remarks.