There's still something pretty clearly wrong: at the center of the former storm, some sort of ominous black mass sits at the bottom of a crater or pit, undulating unpromisingly while mud and sand from the pit walls occasionally slide into it and disappear with little flashes of light.
Before Kithabel fixed that part, it was massively deranging the planet's weather patterns as a side effect of some complex interactions involving byproduct essence gases. It would go back to doing that if she went away and left it alone for a while, but is currently not up to much except slowly consuming the surrounding landscape.
Destroying the entire mass of black goo would fairly straightforwardly stop it from causing any further problems.
Kithabel goes back to check on what Milan's doing.
At the moment, he is outside the citadel, restoring damaged architecture and deceased flora to the surrounding town. None of the locals are out here watching him. Perhaps they were nervous about the fiends and didn't want to take his word for it.
"From what I've heard, if you get the less inhabited areas fixed up like they were before the disasters hit, and do some mass resurrection and leave a bunch of safely stored basic essence spheres lying around, people can take care of most of the rest themselves. The local magic system is really robust, I'm impressed and kind of tempted to take a starting alchemy kit home to Milliways in case I ever die and lose my momentum so I'll have something more powerful than starting sorcery to work with while I ramp up again."
Off she zooms. Be plants and buildings. Be spheres in appropriate safe containers. Be people with little notes pinned to them explaining what happened.
The things thusly directed commence being. Milan accomplishes similar effects on a smaller scale near Jannivae's town.
"I think this world is pretty well saved," he says. "Until the next time somebody floods the planet with ravening fiends, but it sounds really intractable to prevent that without destroying the same system that gives any half-trained alchemist with a sack of marbles and a paintbrush the ability to singlehandedly recreate all the trappings of civilization in a week."
"Yeah, that was the impression I got from staring down the rain problem. We can leave that nice girl a bead, I guess?"
Kithabel gives her a bead and says that if the world tries to end again she should notify the bead.
"I will certainly do that," Jannivae promises. "Thank you for getting rid of the ravening fiends. I am glad to no longer be beset by fiends."
And then she makes there be a door.
"Yeah. Got to take my with-enough-momentum-even-information-
And then they go have more Mated Vampire Activities, and some time passes, and a few more people come through wanting fairly specific small-scale problems solved, and then Milan is out flying by the lake and he says to Kithabel,
I met this girl out here who says her world has locations called 'magics' that make random magical changes to anything that enters them. This seems like something we should take a look at. And by we I mostly mean you, although I might as well come along just to see if I can mess with them any.