"Can do! Lemme go get my..." ...dragon? Boyfriend? Co-sorcerer? Source of power? The fuck even is he? "...partner and he can do some sorcering too, but he's not omnipotent so he'll have to keep it to smaller scales."
"Perhaps he can help us replenish our essence supplies, or keep the fiends away from the citadel, or assist you in finding out what happened to the climate," the alchemist suggests. She puts away her essence sphere.
"Supply-replenishing definitely, sub-omnipotent sorcery is not so good at detective work and I'm planning to rid you of the fiends first thing. ...Provided you're very sure the fiends are not somehow people, in which case I'd have to do something more complicated."
"The fiends are alchemical constructs. They have less mind than most animals and some plants."
Hey, you, she says to Milan, first, how should I refer to you to third parties who don't know you by name, second, found a world needs stuff done.
Ooh, stuff. Tell me of the stuff, I'll be right in. And I don't know, how would you like to refer to me? 'Friend', 'partner', 'boyfriend', 'mate', depending on context?
Stuff is ravening fiends and global climate problems which I will handle, and immediate supply bottlenecks for the survivors for you. Probably also resurrections; if they've had a major recent die-off we can batch it and they'll all have places to go, I think. I went with 'partner'. Considered 'dragon' but it wouldn't have communicated anything to her.
He strolls in the back door, sparkling radiantly, and approaches Kithabel and the troubled stranger.
"This is Milan. Milan, this is... a person whose world is troubled in climate and by ravening fiends."
"Jannivae," she says. "Pleased to meet you. Particularly if you can help with my troubles."
"Your confidence is very cheering," says Jannivae. She opens the door. Outside: a wide stone hallway lined with many heavy wooden doors.
Kithabel gives Milan a kiss, extinguishes ravening fiends from the face of the planet, and teleports to high up for a good birds-eye look at the climate.
What's that smudge on the horizon?
Oh hey, it's an improbably huge raging thunderstorm! That might be a good starting point for investigating the climate problems.
(Meanwhile, Milan gets the ten-second version of the essence shortage problem and starts making lots and lots of essence spheres.)
This spot has completely ordinary weather patterns and clear skies. Now it has a pleasant amount of rain. Now the pleasant amount of rain is growing into an unpleasant amount of rain. Now the giant raging thunderstorm is eating all of the other rainclouds on the planet - not directly and overtly sucking them in, but growing larger and larger while they wither and shrink. Now there is a horrible drought everywhere else, while this area floods catastrophically.
Right. All of the water in this rainstorm and underlying floods should go about its business in its normal patterns at once.