Anyway, though, they should emerge and go see if the unicorn is still around. Eventually. They should eventually do that.
The moment they emerge from the stairwell, the unicorn yells from his spot by the door:
Milan snorts.
Kithabel fixes the thing.
"I hadn't realized I was advertising any facts of that nature. You could have mentioned before it caused you discomfort and then we would all be much happier."
"And I could not possibly have warned you unless I wanted to go around omnipotently absorbing unvolunteered facts from people around me, which I consider a really sketchy thing to do!"
"Well I'm sorry that you suddenly made me feel like my fur was turning into needles and if I could've made being around nonvirgins stop doing that years ago I definitely would have but here we are," says the unicorn. "Thank you for fixing the thing. The Wild Magic says you will have to fix it again once you're properly in my world because the door was closed this time. The people writing down the list of dead Bondmates finished and got impatient and closed the door so they wouldn't have to wait."
"We definitely do!" says Milan.
Suggestions ensue. Kithabel can resurrect Bondmates and take the unicorn (his name is Liselen) with her to a list of subsequent locations for major fixes like restoring the damaged ecosystem in one-third of a continent and demolishing an unwanted mountain. Milan can stay a little closer to home, remodel the cave system where the dragons live to accomodate the expanded population, tweak some large-scale weather patterns nearby, raise an island off the nearby coast to stave off future overcrowding issues, revive some extinct species of plant...
And then Liselen thanks them and they return to Milliways. Perhaps they will celebrate their fun and productive day there.
And Milan has outrageous sparkly wings. They are snuggly. And outrageous. Someday perhaps he will get over this fact but today is not that day.
At some point Milan finds the time to mention, "You know, you need it much less now that you're omnipotent, but are you going to turn into a vampire? It seems like it might help you wield your omnipotence more efficiently."
"I have only good things to say about the magical vampire crush experience. It's not that different from the magical dragon crush experience, but I definitely have a preference."
"Okay, you're right, that's different and now I want to have sex again."
It is great.