"Ha. All right. So we have our information and the traded promise for it and you're going to be a mesmerizingly beautiful dragon now?"
"That seems like a plan, although if you want more time to consider in light of new information, go right ahead," says Milan.
"It probably wouldn't hurt," Kithabel admits. "But it's pretty much strictly less troubling than Kiaver would have been."
Out the back door he goes.
...turns into a mesmerizingly beautiful dragon.
He keeps the ever-present sparkle, now applied to resplendent silver scales. He is pretty small for a dragon, smaller than any they've met today, but not by much. His wings arch from his back and catch the light and scatter it in every direction; the translucent membranes cast dazzled half-shadows on the grass of the lakeshore. The long curve of his tail gleams like crystallized fire.
It's a bit much, but in kind of a glorious way.
He looks down at Kithabel with beautiful silver eyes and says, "...I'm still sparkling, aren't I."
—a crush on her. Oh, there it goes.
The main thought in Milan's head during the brief flash of mental overshare is: fucking finally. He has been waiting far too long for Kithabel to get her due share of outrageous cheating. Kithabel deserves all the outrageous cheating she wants, because she is great.
Well, that's a pleasant if partial distraction from her fear of the whole mind-sharing thing. She does not like the mind-sharing thing it is not pleasant she doesn't even have anything in particular to hide which makes her feel kind of silly for being so scared but she was scared anyway but it'll be over soon and oh gosh he's so pretty.
And there it goes again. No more mental overshare.
"Well, that was relatively painless," says Milan. "Are you omnipotent now?"
"I -"
As soon as she has a thought she can tell the difference. Things around her twitch. Low momentum means lots of concentration and waiting time. Omnipotence means -
"I'm gonna have to be very careful," she says. "Ummmm."
Okay, first thing she wants is a more accustomed level of control. She doesn't need slow response times, but she does want her magic to respond to intention, not passing whim.
Affecting how you sorcer with sorcery is notoriously impossible.
She's omnipotent and does it anyway.
And then she laughs and laughs and laughs and hugs him tight.
The outrageously sparkly silver dragon giggles and carefully hugs back. With an outrageously sparkly silver wing.
"...I was thinking I'd want to turn humanish again immediately but actually I feel like going flying first," he says. "Wings are cool."
"Oh, are they?" She sprouts a set. "Huh. Could take or leave 'em." They go away and she rises into the air on her own. "Let's fly."
He is less than perfectly graceful at first, because he's not cheating at flight, he's actually using his actual wings which he has only had for a couple of minutes. But holy shit it's so much fun. And he is kind of getting used to being so outrageously sparkly. Whee!
"Suit yourself." Zoom! She can make sonic booms! She can go that fast and not make sonic booms! She can make sonic booms that sound like woodwind instruments!
"...I'm kind of shamefully delighted about my stupidly ostentatious sparkly silver wings and I might keep them when I turn humanish again!"