"Good for unicorns. Okay, the major problems I'm foreseeing are still extraneous Bondmates... and the possibility that Milan dies and I don't, because I could get him back but resurrection does start you at zero momentum. I'll come back omnipotent regardless if I have a dragon Milan but he won't have that advantage. But this was sort of already a problem and is not a special dragon-related problem."
"The thing that hurts and makes you very fast is really stubborn about staying with you," says the unicorn. "The sparkly magic healing thing that makes you almost impossible to kill in the first place is almost but not quite that stubborn and you might have to become the thing that is why you are sparkly again in order to get it back if you died, but just turning into a dragon won't budge it."
"The thing that is why I am sparkly is called being a vampire," Milan supplies.
"Is the Bondmates thing all vision based? If both parties are turned invisible and then kept separated...?"
"Okay," says Milan.
"So we could potentially avoid it entirely with quickly applied invisibility both ways and then having me run interference."
"If I meet anyone else I'm able to Bond to, I would definitely appreciate the chance to get to know them, via intermediaries if necessary, before they become potentially omnipotent and able to control me with their mind," says Milan.
"Yeah. And you can do that whisper thing that amuses you, or give them your own equivalent of my wooden beads, just don't gaze at them," Kithabel says. "Plenty of reaction time, right? What with Milan being so fast?"
"Good to know," says Milan.
"So just... don't be distracted by any mesmerizing beauty other than mine, I guess. I think this is our concerns all worked out? Any other warnings from the Wild Magic?"
"...I'm inclined to take that deal," says Milan. "I assume it's talking about me going home and overthrowing the gods?"
"That sounds right."
"And it has something useful to say about that?"
"Yes. But it's hard for it to tell me the thing for complicated Wild Magic reasons so it wants the promise of an omnipotent unicorn in return. And I guess Tialle is a good unicorn to make omnipotent."
"Making the wrong person omnipotent isn't very nice either, but I take your point," says Milan.
"Do you want a promise to make her omnipotent immediately...? Or can we have a while to think about which option is less nice?"
"Fair enough," says Milan. "Kithabel, what do you think? Should I go for it?"
"And that you actually will resurrect her if you need a unicorn when there isn't an alive one available, and not weasel out of it by not doing that. The Wild Magic didn't quite tell me to say that part but it seems like a good idea," says the unicorn.
"Sure, that too."
"Then the Wild Magic says..."
The unicorn trails off. Milan waits.
"...That if you want to know if you can do the thing yet, you should... this is really weird... you should wait in this place for the person from your world who teaches stabbing and she can tell you," says the unicorn.
"The person from my world who teaches stabbing?" says Milan incredulously.
"Yes, the Wild Magic says that's right," says the unicorn.
"Jillian Callahan can tell me when I'm ready to overthrow the gods?!"
"She's a martial combat teacher at my university. I wasn't aware she had useful advice on the subject of overthrowing the gods."
"I'm not sure... all my memories of her are pre-vampire, I can't call any specific examples to mind, she's just the sort of person who I'm not surprised to hear might know things about overthrowing gods, sort of the same way I wouldn't be surprised to hear that about you if I didn't already have confirmation that you didn't."