"...Well, the few minutes of mutual thought awareness is pretty freaky but maybe a small price to pay..."
"I can introduce you to the dragon. Probably nothing interesting will happen, but it seems the sort of thing that might conceivably be worth a shot."
"Sure. Oh, and there are more notable drawbacks - if all of a dragon's Bondmates are dead at the same time, the dragon dies, and it's theorized that the dragon dying would kill all the Bondmates but it apparently hasn't happened yet, but dragons are apparently very hard to kill except by Bondmate deprivation. Kiaver in particular has one current Bondmate."
"Maybe she would like to name a dead dragon for us to try resurrecting. You might be there already, we only don't have your grandfather because we need to know if I can resurrect from your world."
Kithabel thinks for twenty minutes of notebooking. She absently scritches Milan's hair with her free hand while lost in thought.
"...Okay, I think it's probably worth gazing at the dragon, presuming she thinks it'll be fine to have a long-distance magical relationship."
The lake: contains a dragon.
"What did your friend say?"
"She says that first of all I should try resurrecting some dead dragons if you can think of any you would like resurrected, and secondly she'd like to come look at you if you are willing to have a long-distance magical relationship."
People being dead is certainly a problem. This specific person being dead is now his problem in particular. It is inexcusable that she continues to be dead. He will not allow it. Milan Kosorin is a solver of problems and this problem has got in his way and is forbidden to remain. Give her back immediately.
Mebadaene is a huge old dragon whose scales are a dark greenish blue. Morifenin is much younger, with emerald green scales and striking red eyes. Sirofael is pale lavender, and Petrivoch is sapphire blue.
There. That is all the dead dragons Kiaver mentioned.
...Perhaps he'll let Kiaver explain.
"If I'm going to be resurrecting dragons all day I might prefer to do it in your world, since otherwise it could get a little crowded out here," he says. "Barring that practical objection I'm happy to help."