"Tastes like chicken. You probably don't have to worry about any of the usual vampire causes of death, those being 'turned into gravel and set on fire' and, theoretically, 'starvation'... I don't think you can make it do anything except by getting injured or rather permitting it to protect you, though. I'm not sure why you kept the one scar; turning got rid of all your others and this power doesn't want you to get any new ones even under the stricter conditions..."
"But there was that whole rather memorable three-day interval where I didn't have the power yet, right? So maybe the fairy curse argued with the turning process about scars and this was its compromise," he gestures to his bite mark, "and whatever compromise it works out with my new healing power will be separate."
"Sounds plausible! I can't pick up your curse or your blessing or your background ability to do layperson-level arcane magic or your sorcery the way I can the witchcraft, so your guess is as good as mine."
Where's Kithabel gone off to?
It is a lot. A lot of lake water. Whee!
It is that way out caveward.
Out caveward goes Milan, attended by an intricate procession of glowing coloured streams of water because why shouldn't he be. It goes very well with his sparkle.
"You're shinier than she is," she remarks.
"Yeah, we have no idea why," he says. "Also I got a cool healing power that's going to be mostly redundant but nevertheless very satisfying, and it cut my thirst down to manageable enough levels that I'm not even bothering to sorcer it. Being a vampire is amazing."
And running at this level it's pretty trivial to sorcerously approximate an elven whisper into Addy's ear: is there perhaps anything you forgot to mention
"Oh, well, that's good. I'm curious if you can sorcer being able to eat normal food? If you don't me and chocolate are gonna have a last hurrah."
"Oh, that," Addy says very fast and very high-pitched. "Oops. It doesn't happen to me."
To Addy, Would you like to explain this phenomenon in more detail?
"All my information's secondhand, you realize. 'S called 'mating'. When she turns she'll be likewise gooey at you."
"Let's go get you something yummy from Bar. She might be able to tell what you can eat, that seems up her alley."
"...So," says Milan, "there's another feature of vampires which Addy seems to have forgotten about and which she had better explain to you before you make any irrevocable decisions about this."
"I'm fine," says Milan. "I'm... at a bit of a loss to describe the thing. Addy, this is your fault, you can do the explaining."
"It is not my fault that you are a gooey feelings person," Addy asserts. "And we have perfect recall, not context-sensitive guarantees that all relevant information will float to mind at the right moment! Anyway. Those vampires inclined to squishy feelings sometimes fixate them on a single approximately compatible person forever. Conveniently, you never have vampire A pining for vampire B who pines for vampire C, or anything. Congratulations? I think that's the usual response?"