variously evil!Elves meet Elspeth
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That's good to know. Should she trust the Elf King with things that might let him do that or should she maybe tell somebody else?


Well, who else would she tell? The Dwarves would be happy to trade her for knowledge but they are not going to level Angband, they don't get involved in military operations and they are not about to decide to do so even if handed the weapons, let alone if handed the knowledge that a massive public works project will eventually get them the weapons. Doriath won't do it. Suppose she could try deposing the Elf King and hoping the Elves pick a better king next time. The Elf King's personal pet seems to have a good head on his shoulders and not be particularly mass murdering, maybe someone should put him in charge.


(Elspeth's translator looks unhappy.)


Would Elspeth's translator care to register an opinion?


She would rather not translate treasonous conversations and is going to have to tell the King about them. Elspeth should avoid discussing killing the King or who to replace the King with after killing him or things in that vein. 


Elspeth can't even keep a secret herself, she would not expect it of the translator. The ambassador's not going to be in trouble, is he?


No, of course not, the King knows that Dwarves disagree with him about all kinds of things. 


Then there shouldn't be any problem. Anyway in a bit Elspeth will know enough Quenya to have any treasonous conversations she may wish to have without help.


The translator doesn't look thrilled at that prospect either.


Does she want to meet anyone else?


Sure, who's next?


Findekáno? Another Dwarven ambassador? Some historians and journalists?


Findekáno's not out conquering yet?


They just got the news a few hours ago, he's presumably going to ride out tomorrow and he can't be in a terrible rush because he stopped in to greet his sister and play with his nephew.


If he'd like to talk to Elspeth she's game.


Adopting Maitimo's ends as his own is always odd because Maitimo wants him, very very badly, in a way that honestly defies all reason, because forgetting ethics it seems like it would just be convenient to have a lover who, well, loved you. But Maitimo wants him and that means currently he very badly wants to be Maitimo's.

He'd be delighted to talk to the princess Elspeth, by all means invite her in. 


Here's the princess Elspeth. Except for the Dwarves all these people can read minds and it's convenient like her father is convenient and sometimes Addy too, communicating is effortless as thinking, in this case thinking about her leverage and what she ought to do with it.


Oooh, maybe get him to focus more resources on mortal child mortality, the rates are very worrying and it's not very strategically relevant so it gets neglected. Or you could get him to liberalize some of the laws about dissent and a free press, without the war on there's no excuse for people being afraid to put whatever they please on a broadsheet.


...she'll make mental notes of those things. Also she's sort of a doctor, she has many fewer reservations about teaching people doctoring. Is he just very selfless about the being chained to a wall thing.


Maitimo's ends as his own. There's not even any internal screaming, just his mind set to figuring out what to say -

I love Maitimo and I want to be his and I wish he'd be possessive in some way that didn't frighten people but I could leave if I wished to, and I don't, and I could ask him to cut it out if I wished to, and I don't.


Seems to upset his sister.


Homosexuality is taboo. Used to be illegal, before Maitimo became King.


...that was not the part that seemed to upset his sister but she wasn't broadcasting everything like Elspeth does so maybe it was operative.


I think that's the reason she refuses to believe I'm okay and making informed decisions, yeah.


Huh. Okay. Public health stuff, free press. Elspeth runs through some other virtues of properly run societies in her head so he can suggest things this one is missing.


No, we're doing pretty well on most of that. If I think of anything else while out on the campaign I'll have someone write you. 


How long do you expect it to take?

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