Thanjen helps Exaltation learn to fly
If she pushes it sideways too much from the glass on the ground then the whole structure can tip over. And when she lets go it starts creeping back to where she put it to start. But she's definitely got the feels-like-it's-stuck-in-goo part.
There's also a faint feeling of something about the glass changing, increasing, as she pushes the glass around. Maybe that's what the “stored energy” he was talking about feels like.
If she pushes it sideways too much from the glass on the ground then the whole structure can tip over. And when she lets go it starts creeping back to where she put it to start. But she's definitely got the feels-like-it's-stuck-in-goo part.
There's also a faint feeling of something about the glass changing, increasing, as she pushes the glass around. Maybe that's what the “stored energy” he was talking about feels like.
“If you made sure to push back enough so it went down gently rather than bouncing, then you'd have all of the energy that was used to lift the heavy thing up. That's the simplest way to use a waterfall, actually — fill a big bucket at the top and then lower it down.”
“Your control looks fine, so here's the next practice technique. Take your glass and wrap it all around your body. Keep it ready to move the same way you do when you're going to reshape something. Then just move around like you normally would, and keep the glass with you — don't let it stop you from moving or come away. This will be tricky to get right, but I promise it's the last thing I'm gonna just tell you to do.”
He demonstrates on himself, walking around while the glass covers his body like an extra layer of clothes. His head is still exposed, and the glass has gaps and arrays of holes in it in various places, which experience will quickly show are needed to reduce the feeling of being in a personalized greenhouse while exercising.
He demonstrates on himself, walking around while the glass covers his body like an extra layer of clothes. His head is still exposed, and the glass has gaps and arrays of holes in it in various places, which experience will quickly show are needed to reduce the feeling of being in a personalized greenhouse while exercising.
He does the same kinds of things and adds more for her to follow along with if she wants to. Assorted silly walks. Arms all directions. Stretches. What might be a yoga routine if he ever held a pose still.
Slow to start, but speeding up as she gets better at not tangling up herself with her new parts of herself. It's like she has to use twice as many separate muscles to operate the same set of limbs.
But if she wants, she can use just those new muscles and let her arms and legs be pulled along by the glass — until she runs out of stored energy and has to work just with real muscles.
But if she wants, she can use just those new muscles and let her arms and legs be pulled along by the glass — until she runs out of stored energy and has to work just with real muscles.
(Improvement is good, but he's looking more for lack of significant mistakes than the height of skill.)
Eventually he stops leading, and stops moving, and waits for her.
Eventually he stops leading, and stops moving, and waits for her.
“Now that you have practiced the motions of your body, it is safe for you to claim it.”
“You could still give yourself weird bruises if you tried. The difference now is that you aren't going to do it by accident because you know what is a normal kind of motion now.”
“You can connect yourself to your other stuff, instead of using stuff you wear like your bracelet. This allows you to support your weight comfortably.”
He demonstrates by rising off the ground a few feet.
“You can reinforce yourself to prevent injury.”
He hits himself on the head with a piece of glass. It goes clank.
“And you can move yourself using stored energy rather than your muscles. That's a bad habit, though, because you want to keep your muscles fit and adding to your stored energy instead.
“Want me to show off a bit?”
He demonstrates by rising off the ground a few feet.
“You can reinforce yourself to prevent injury.”
He hits himself on the head with a piece of glass. It goes clank.
“And you can move yourself using stored energy rather than your muscles. That's a bad habit, though, because you want to keep your muscles fit and adding to your stored energy instead.
“Want me to show off a bit?”
The birds, which have turned into fully human-seeming bodies instead of just having faces, throw him some more glass. He makes a completely unnecessary throwing gesture and scatters small spikes that bury themselves over a large area of the beach.
Now he's flying without benefit of wings, like the beach is a racetrack and he's doing his qualifying lap.
Back in front of her, he makes as if to jump — and he's a speck in the sky.
Now he's falling down again, head first.
Now he's flying without benefit of wings, like the beach is a racetrack and he's doing his qualifying lap.
Back in front of her, he makes as if to jump — and he's a speck in the sky.
Now he's falling down again, head first.
While falling, he flips over, forms spikes on the soles of his feet, and hits the beach without slowing down.
A complimentary glass wall to catch the spray of sand has been provided for the comfort of spectators.
He takes a bow while buried up to his hips.
A complimentary glass wall to catch the spray of sand has been provided for the comfort of spectators.
He takes a bow while buried up to his hips.