"Any specific prospects? People who just need some oomph and then they'll take it from there?"
"I think I'd need to sit down with my spreadsheets for a while before I made any firm choices but I have some ideas."
"It's not stalking if all you care about is their ability and inclination to do good and not any personal information and the only things you put in their file are fully public anyway!"
"Close enough. So--what kind of magic do you think would be the most useful versus fluffs? We could see if the Ancients had an insight into relevant fields."
"I'm not sure. Divination type stuff maybe just so I know more about what I'm dealing with - I'm sure that whatever species they are doesn't natively look like fluffs, for instance, I don't know how they got to Earth or how they found it..."
Bella eyes the books, but says, "If I start studying I will spend hours doing it and your parents might reappear before we can abscond."
"Excellent." She moves towards the stairs and holds out her hand with a bow and a flourish.