it's kind of hard to find enough of it in the city proper
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She sort of thinks that telling this person about her plans won't help them come to fruition, fellow druid or not. She is young, and sheltered, and naive, and Voshrelka has a lot of practice not telling people things they don't need to know.

"... They're only humoring us because we cast Plant Growth," she says, instead. "Just... stick to offering that. And be very firm about where your forest's borders are. They will need maps drawn to tell them, they're idiots."


Feather certainly hadn't gotten the impression that the Chelish only cared about Plant Growth. They spent most of their time asking her for other things. But... maybe that was because she offered them Plant Growth first, and so they took it for granted and wanted more?

"I can't draw a map I'd swear to but we can definitely do that at home," she says seriously. "Our borders are the best defined and defended of any forest."


"Okay. They really only care about Plant Growth, and everything else they bring up are just ways to justify why they should get it. They also want things to not wander out of the woods to kill their peasantry, but. Plant Growth. If you can prepare it, I think you should, and use it daily to show what good little druids we are."


"I can prepare it. I'm - not sure why I should cast it for them without anything in return? The people on the committee probably wouldn't care because I didn't do it to their personal fields. And the horrible woman would say that since I'm doing it already it goes to show there's no need to negotiate." Feather thinks she's learning to understand this one particular human very quickly indeed; pity how she's the most Evil and useless one of the lot.

(Very quickly means visible progress on the scale of days, and maybe years instead of decades for the whole project. Feather really, really doesn't want to spend even one year learning to perfectly understand Eulàlia de Seguer, and if even if she does learn to understand her she is not going to use that to become her.)


"The magic words for this political witchcraft are," and she switches to Taldane, "'As a show of good faith'," and then she switches back, "and no, I'm not entirely sure why it works either. Something about their sense of Lawfulness. They will be mollified by casting Plant Growth."


"Hmm. Well, I guess we'll see how it goes, I didn't prepare it today. And yeah, I'm not sure they really understand alignments but Law is the one where it's hardest to be sure, because there are so many ways to be Lawful."


"It is deeply complicated and often contradictory," sympathetically agrees the druid whose alignment currently pings as Chaotic Neutral.


They're in the city now, so discussing their plans where anyone could overhear might be ill-advised, but Feather is still annoyed that the other druids doesn't want to confide in her. How are they supposed to get anything done if they don't work together?


If she asked this question aloud, Voshrelka would answer, You can work together, but still apart.

(And, also, by being effective.)

Voshrelka bids Bright Morning Feather goodbye, and then heads off to go get a third cup of coffee.

Here Ends This Thread
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