There is a small man with a paintbrush in his hand, kneeling on dry cracked ground beside a large round metal plate, painting the plate with coloured inks drawn somehow from glass spheres in the open case that lies on the ground beside him. Occasionally he checks his work against the book propped up beside the case.
"I could see how that would get annoying. ...The bacon plant. Needs to be watered. That's incongruous."
"It's a bacon plant! It should be able to sustain itself in a vacuum, it's a freaking shrub that grows strips of bacon!"
"Because if you can make a bacon plant at all why should it have any of the other limitations that plants have like needing water?"
"So I did a survey of the area overnight and it is very dried up and rather flat," Cam says. "I can put in a mountain range! I have been designing a lovely mountain range, want to see?"
So Cam walks him through the process - he has all kinds of fun demonic software for designing mountain ranges and such - and here is how it can be shaped and here is what it will look like if he puts a different composition of rocks in it and then they slide and here is how tall it will have to be to have snow caps once there's more general moisture around and here are plants that could go on the mountains!
Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Tiro is so excited about his mountains. He has mountain-related aesthetic opinions! Trees are good! Snow is good! Attractive rocks are good!
"Oh, let's see -"
Cam dabs flourishes scattered around in the range - high caldera lake with unreasonably pretty waterfalls, vein of bright quartz, copse of excessively shapely trees, salt terraces, basalt columns - displays the result and pans around - and then shuffles things around until it's all crowded onto one mountain.
"...As much as I love Mount Fancy, I think I like them better scattered," says Tiro. If he had a tail he would be wagging it. "This is going to be such a great mountain range."
"I think so too!" Cam reverts to the scattered version. Adds in some more things. Cave system! Wildflowers! Cliffy parts!
"Are you going to want a house on here? Easier to know going in if I am going to want to put a house foundation."