There is a small man with a paintbrush in his hand, kneeling on dry cracked ground beside a large round metal plate, painting the plate with coloured inks drawn somehow from glass spheres in the open case that lies on the ground beside him. Occasionally he checks his work against the book propped up beside the case.
"Cool," he says. "...I should probably clean up all this - me - before trying to learn how to engineer mountains, though."
"Yeah, it looks kind of like a tripping hazard - do you have anywhere to put it -?" Cam materializes some brooms and offers his summoner one.
"I usually pile it up and burn it. It'll melt if it gets hot enough, and then the sharp edges aren't a problem."
Sweep sweep!
"Be careful," he adds, "this stuff's way worse than broken glass, it's really sharp and really hard."
"I'm indestructible, wouldn't do more than scratch me," Cam says, "but thanks for the warning."
"My favorite analogy is 'imagine attacking a watermelon with a plastic fork' but I'm not sure how that translates for you. Basically I can get a little bit hurt - for that matter, I can get tired and hungry and thirsty and whatnot - but only to a point, and from there it just doesn't get any worse. And I heal really fast, if injured. Without your inconvenient crystal theme."
Sweep sweep sweep. Pile pile.
It's a really pretty pile. The shards are transparent and colourless, but they catch the light really aggressively, like they're auditioning for a part in a chandelier.
"Your dangerous shards look like they belong in, like, the crown jewels," Cam comments.
"I'm so useful!" Cam agrees, wagging his tail. "And I am in a really good mood because this place looks like it needs terraforming and I have always wanted to terraform a planet, I was hoping for Mars but that realistically wasn't gonna happen."
"Make it pleasant and habitable. This one already has air and gravity, which, good on it, those are important, but it could use plants! And water features! And animals, although I can't make anything smarter than a snail so at first it will be mostly like bugs and I will have to have careful breeding programs of demonic fauna otherwise."
"Local magic can do plants, and it did a plant that grows bacon, it might actually be able to do animals too."
"If you come back to my hill I can show you my bacon plant! It's that way," he says, pointing hillward.
And... yep, that's a hill. It's covered in rich brown dirt and thriving plants, and the haphazard garden spills out around it for a considerable distance, including all the way down to the shore of the nearby lake.