There is a small man with a paintbrush in his hand, kneeling on dry cracked ground beside a large round metal plate, painting the plate with coloured inks drawn somehow from glass spheres in the open case that lies on the ground beside him. Occasionally he checks his work against the book propped up beside the case.
"It's customary to summon daeva of any kind with restrictions on our behavior so we don't go on magical rampages, as magical rampages are terribly inconvenient and a lot of summonings are of random willing daeva rather than specific ones. Demons in particular are often also summoned gagged, which means we can't talk or in fact do anything communicative at all except for agree to or reject proposed trades. Except, like, make facial expressions and stuff. Part of the reason I got the tail is that unless someone does something dumb like 'tail left for yes, right for no', I can be fairly expressive with it even under a gag. Also it's fun but I didn't know how fun it would be in advance."
"Doesn't. Or rather, doesn't actually. Demons are kind of hard to trade with for the obvious reasons. So the sort of demons who show up to summons are sometimes nice people who just want to help out but sometimes are looking for intangibles, and one intangible that got popular to go for was some human thinking you had their soul because of, I don't know, the looks on their faces."
"Yeah. But I'm not sure I'd let on it was fake if I had the chance because this is really desperate humans who make those trades and if it were common knowledge that the commodity in question didn't exist..."
"...they might just get convinced to do other stuff that put funny looks on their faces?"
"The other traditional intangibles if you leave the realm of, like, book recommendations, are unpleasant, yes."
"Most demons are perfectly nice but the perfectly nice demons usually don't let random humans interrupt their lives with miscellaneous requests trying to trade them things they can get in Hell."
"...I mean, they would've had to be really bad to be worse than being alone forever. But they could have been not great and instead you are great."
"I probably don't find the idea of being alone forever as awful as I might if I were an extrovert."
"...I'm gonna give you a summoning introduction so if you are ever annoyed at me and shoo me back to Hell you can get me or try another daeva."
So Cam gives him the rundown: circle for an unbound Cam. Circles for loosely but safely bound daeva of all three types and instructions on how to send them home if they don't get along or snap the bindings if they seem like nice folks and want to stay.
And he can have it all in writing too just in case. "There you go, no being alone forever."