"The abilities of Homunculus's lieutenants are as follows: Pride, with the shadow ability I mentioned earlier. Sloth, who has extreme speed when he cares to use it and is extremely strong besides. Lust, who can lengthen and sharpen her extremities to pierce through any material. Envy, who can perfectly shapeshift -- usually into mammals. Gluttony is a failed attempt to make a terrestrial Truth's gate and usually works with Lust. Greed, who can make an impenetrable armor that stands up to Lust's spear. Wrath is newer. He's currently the leader of the country, and his power is in his eye, but I don't know how it works. He has extraordinary combat ability and extreme speed, but those might be more mundane.
"I've encountered his agents before. They don't kill me because they need five people who have seen Truth's gate to be sacrificed for Homunculus's plan to work. But I knew I wouldn't be able to stand against Homunculus alone."