One lovely afternoon Miles gets a rather urgent call from Ivan.
There is some sort of local music machine, moderately incomprehensible. It produces musics.
Pen listens attentively. It is rather unlike the music she grew up with, but it has its merits. When it repeats she sings softly along.
There are many varieties of musics! Cordelia's favourites tend to be either orchestral pieces or bubbly pop songs; Miles's taste runs to the melancholy and Barrayaran. Or the quirky and Barrayaran.
Pen firmly prefers vocals. The bubbly pop makes her want to jump around, which kind of interferes with singing along smoothly. Also, while she knows English, and finds French familiar enough to pronounce, she does not know Russian at all.
She finds a song she really likes which is all in English and plays it over until she can sing it straight through at full volume.
Pen sings that one twice, then repeats the procedure with another song in this album of bubbly pop.
And it will keep the magic little angel out of trouble until she is sleepy or somebody wants her to add another brainphone person, whichever comes first.
And Pen flomps into the nice big bed. She has nothing to change into so she just has to go to sleep in her leathers, oh well. Zzzz.
The next morning, Cordelia provides breakfast, and asks Pen to please put Byerly Vorrutyer on the brainphone.
"We want to find out whether the brainphone works well with people who are very far away, so we thought of someone we know who is very far away right now. If it does work well with people who are very far away, then we can use it to talk to people on other planets easily, instead of having to send them a letter and wait a week for them to get it and another week for them to send one back. And that would be very nice."
"How many people you wanting me put?" says Pen. "Is no magic world. Maybe shouldn't put too many."
"Only one more right now, and probably only a few more after that," she says. "Because we aren't sure yet what the best way is to tell people about magic without upsetting them, so we're keeping it a secret for now, until we figure that out. Which might take a long time."