One lovely afternoon Miles gets a rather urgent call from Ivan.
"Samaria mostly not have, but, spaceship have some computer," she explains, picking up her shoes. "So play sometimes, not too much, people not supposed noticing gone. Keziah friend like computers much."
Inside, he shows her the holographic console where holo-games may be found. A splash of sparkling colour arcs up above the vid plate and forms the words PLASMA RAIN. Miles starts the game in tutorial mode for her; the computer guides her through arranging the field of play so that a stream of jewel-bright blue-green water can reach its target.
Miles is alert for signs of boredom and has other games to try if she gets tired of this one.
Miles is by no stretch a cook, but he can warm up things that need warming and introduce food items to dishes and locate cutlery. He does that.
"Mother!" Thank God. "So, supposing your only known point of entry into the multiverse was a mysterious bar named Milliways with a habit of capriciously usurping arbitrary doors, and supposing you had someone in another universe you urgently wanted to talk to, what would you do?"
"My boss. He has a perfect memory and he knows a lot of nosy people who might've heard rumours about someplace like Milliways if there were rumours to be had."