One lovely afternoon Miles gets a rather urgent call from Ivan.
"Well," he says, "that would explain why I haven't heard of it. That's... troublesome. If it were only a matter of getting you back to the right planet, it would hardly be any trouble at all. I'm not sure where to start when it's a matter of getting you back to the right - universe? Do I have that right?"
"She put a Mommy, probably my one maybe a different one, at Janepoint, and Mommy teleport to me and bring home."
"Are wings a usual sort of thing for people to have in Samaria? They're very unusual here."
"Well," says Miles. "There's not much opportunity for a little girl with wings to fly around here - crowded city, controlled airspace - but my family happens to have a house by a very nice lake that I think is pretty good for flying. Want to go there and see what you think of it?"
"That... might be a good idea," says Miles. "But if you're very unhappy about the coat, we can skip it."
"There are a lot of people on Barrayar who get very upset about people who are strange-looking," says Miles. "I'm short and a little bit weird, and if I go walking in the wrong places, people will try to bother me like they were bothering you before Ivan showed up. Having wings is a lot stranger than being short, so more people get upset about it. If you hide the wings, people won't notice them to get upset about."
"Angels not magic," Pen explains, "but, angels look magic. So coat? Because no wishes, can't invisible."