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Séfora nods. "If magic still works the same. But I do not think he will do this thing, and why would he? Learning how things truly works in each place would take a long time."


"Well, he's the one who called this convention, isn't he? And that'll take a long time." 


"I don't think I really have time to make the trip myself," Joan-Pau says with regret, "but it certainly is an excellent idea." It will get Sefora out of his hair (which might get him a favor from Carlota) and the other three will all be grateful. And who knows? They might learn something!


"You're a noble delegate, right? Do you have a staffer you could send with us to take notes?"


Lluïsa nods in agreement. "I propose the Committee's Recommendation, that the Committee, or the designated Representatives of its Members, teleport to Vudra at a time to be coördinated with Archmage Cotonnet, in order to Study its Forms of Government and prepare a Monograph on same, other Continents perhaps to follow," she declares.


"I'd love to," he says to Nuria.


"Okay. That part settled, we should, uh, prooobably sort out who's the committee chair? I'm not sure we actually explicitly did that, some people said vote-ish things but, uh, I don't think we actually...tallied them, or anything? I feel like indefinitely not having a chair could get annoying." 


Yeah, it's been bothering her too.

"I vote for Delegate Tosta," she says after considering Levrolurment briefly.


"So do I."


"She will do."


"Sounds good to me."


“And I abstain.” Does an abstention make something not unanimous? Whatever, doesn’t matter.

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