"A scrying glass for the common man."


AT LONG LAST, a great assembly of Chelish subjects has gathered, their task being to advise the Queen on the REFORMATION OF THE EMPIRE after its period of Infernal Rule. This CONVENTION consists of one part NOBLE PERSONS of the realm, one part clerics of RIGHTEOUS GODS, one part delegates selected by ELECTION, and one part common subjects chosen by the EMPIRE’S ARCHMAGI. Among those assembled are several ORCS, a STRIX, and AT LEAST TWO BUGBEARS, amongst other Oddities. The reader may worry that these uncouth creatures will make a mockery of the body, but fear not! for they are in truth Chelish men given new forms by the HEALER-ARCHMAGE NAIMAH COTONNET.

The delegates having gathered, the ceremony was begun by the renowned ARCHMAGE ÉLIE COTONNET, Scourge of the Thrunes, who commanded the assembly to write a NEW CODE OF LAWS for Cheliax. He further announced that the Queen would be made to abide by these laws BY HIS GREAT MAGICS, and that all her descendants until the end of time would be bound by THE SAME ENCHANTMENT. A LEARNED WIZARD consulted on this matter did not know how such a working could be wrought, but advised that no feat was beyond the might of a TRUE ARCHMAGE.

Subsequently, OUR MOST NOBLE QUEEN addressed the assembly and led them in prayer. It is said by many that GLORIOUS IOMEDAE blessed the gathering, filling all present with a great feeling of GOODNESS and DETERMINATION. They then began to debate the RULES OF ORDER which would guide their work. In the course of this discussion, the assembly uncovered an INFERNAL PLOT: one of their number, a Delegate Leibanelle, was in truth a SERVANT OF ERECURA! A great outcry arose that no priest of the QUEEN OF DIS be permitted a place in the assembly, but the ARCHMAGE COTONNET (of Galt) declared that the Erecurite would remain, on the condition that he tempted no-one into the CLUTCHES of HELL.

After agreeing on certain RULES, the convention divided itself into several smaller councils, to consider separately the myriad matters set before it. These COMMITTEES include: the Committee for SAFE ROADS, the Committee for ENCOURAGING THE WORSHIP OF GOOD GODS, the Committee for THE RIGHTS OF NONHUMANS, and the Committee for KILLING ALL SLAVEOWNERS. At this very moment, the delegates work WITHOUT CEASE to prepare their recommendations on these issues, and all of Cheliax awaits with interest to learn what prudent proposals they may present, as faithfully reported by THE MIRROR OF WESTCROWN!


A Note from the Editor: The Mirror wishes to remind its loyal readers that this Article is meant only to satisfy the Public Interest in the proceedings of the Convention, not to incite any Violence or other Disorder, and they should not allow the descriptions of any Evils herein to arouse their passions to Rash Action, in accordance with the Queen's wise Decree of the 29th of Desnus.