"The main thing that taxes pay for," he says, since probably none of the nonhumans understand this, "is defense. If a place is part of Cheliax and pays taxes, even if it governs itself, then we will defend it if it is attacked by humans from outside Cheliax, or by a dragon, or by devils from a portal to Hell, such as currently plagues the Whisperwood. Now, Élie Cotonnet may choose to close the portal to Hell in the Whisperwood out of the Goodness of his own heart, or out of his hatred of Hell, but if he did not, then Cheliax would pay him to, because the Whisperwood is—at least currently—part of Cheliax, and is under the Queen's protection. If a people wants to be totally free of Cheliax and pay no taxes, I am not necessarily opposed, but then they will not have the Queen's protection."