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this is definitely going to end well
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"Besides, Asmodeus is the god of tyranny. Would you call it tyranny to have livestock?"


"The sun rose every morning over Infernal Cheliax; this did not make it Sarenrite nor see one person to Nirvana. Hellish influence is not required to institute slavery, nor need it necessarily go when Asmodeanism goes."


"I nominate Daniel Vivas as Chair of this committee, due to his specialist knowledge of both theology and of countries not ruled by Asmodeus." And because he combines "is tall" with "might support a death sentence for slaveowners."


Liushna thinks Permira would be more appropriate but if Permira is nominating some not-Permira person then probably Liushna should not immediately nominate her? Liushna will attempt to catch Permira's eye and non-verbally ascertain whether Liushna should follow her lead or not. 


"I nominate Fiducia Agramunt, due to his knowledge of commerce and non-Asmodean religions. And the previously mentioned fact that he can just shut down the committee by himself if he decides to."


"I do not think all contracts are Asmodean. I've heard that Abadar holds them in great respect. But I have seen what slavery looks like, both here and in Molthune. I do not think slavery as I have seen it can be anything other than Evil. I don't think any of you would deny it to be Lawful either, and Asmodeus is certainly the primary deity of Law and Evil. His concern of tyranny aligns remarkably well with the existing systems of slavery, even in places not ruled by Hell."


"I myself would be inclined to nominate Delegate Ramirez were we inclined to replace the chair, but will serve in this capacity if so asked."


"I vote for Daniel Vivas for committee chair." 


Permira thinks that the four slaveowners will probably not vote for her at all but they might vote for the elf so probably Liushna should also vote for the elf. :(


"I would be honored to chair this committee, if you'll have me. If not, I think Delegate Ramirez would make a fine choice."


"Vote for Daniel Vivas." Even if he doesn't have the personal experience the halflings do he seems like he has a reasonable head on his shoulders. 


She would like to poke Aina to suggest that Aina should join them in voting for the elf, who is more likely to support the death penalty for slavery than the orc.


"- uh, aye, Daniel Vivas."


"I would be honored to take the chair, or equally happy to cede it to Delegate Vivas if he is preferred by the rest of you."


Amadeu grinds his teeth. 

"If this committee is determined to remove me, I will consent to Fiducia Agramunt taking the chair." 


If you didn't want to be removed you should've tried not being incompetent. Thanks to you we're going to have a half-breed who thinks slavery is somehow inherently Asmodean chairing the thing.


You try dealing with this kind of provocation without any unwise outbursts!!!


"Vivas it is then." Since apparently Moles cannot count, and needs it done for him.


Well this is even more of a nightmare than he was expecting. 


Jaume has been taking minutes even though nobody asked him to and writes this down.


Liushna starts taking her own notes, partly because she genuinely expects to care about different things than "slavery isn't bad" idiot, and partly as a power move. She still isn't great at writing Chelish script so hers are in Draconic. She can translate them later. 


Well, good. The room seems to be against Delegate Moles and his slaver flunkies. Now the real work begins.

"Thank you all for nominating me. Let us move onto the substance of the matter now; that is, what to do about slavery and its various forms. I do not think we can continue with anything resembling the current situation, but it is not as simple as saying 'no more slavery' and being done with it. If we free the slaves, what will their legal status become? What will we do about existing slave owners—should there be any compensation for their expected losses? If anyone has specific proposals for new policies, I would be interested in hearing them."


"All slaves should be freed regardless of species and made citizens of Cheliax, and compensated for their slavery by having their master's land divided among them, so they can earn a living. All masters who refuse to obey the law should be executed."


"If the committee will forgive an introduction to the concept of reinsurance, I could more completely justify my opinion, but suffice it to say that I believe it would be a grave offense against Abadar and a terrific blow to an already fragile economy to seize any class of property so popular and widespread without even an attempt at compensation."


"Can move not allowed to call people property?"

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