The next day, as with every day, students must attend homeroom.
And eventually they arrive! It's very big. And grand and rich and really over the top.
Juliet stops on the road. And stares.
"The family built it after the original Salvatore Estate burned down in 1903."
She pauses and listens. And then blinks, confused.
"Nobody is home?"
"Which you can tell because you're a werewolf, right. Maybe we should have called ahead?"
"I have really good hearing... I suppose they could be in the dungeon. Dad had it all soundproofed because I was so loud..."
"I have keys in my backpack." She hesitates for a moment before walking forward and unlocking the door.
"I think we have a little time before I have to go downstairs. If nobodies home I'm going to have to show you how to use the vent..."
She dumps her bag in the entry hall and leads him through the house, taking his hand. Eventually arriving at the kitchen.
She pauses in front of a solid looking door... and stares at all the locks. She unlocks them all and flicks a switch up, lighting up the darkness.
"I don't hear anyone."
He eventually finds one tucked away near the fridge.
Business in California. Will be back on the 26th.