The next day, as with every day, students must attend homeroom.
Juliet listens attentively to Boyd, pitching in with questions when needed.
She takes a hold of Matts hand in the meanwhile.
"And the fact that you get it is an impressive exercise in empathy. Or maybe it's that you like sports."
"I do like sport. I'm hoping my dad will let me try out for the swim team or track, maybe. Non-contact type stuff. Can't hurt anyone that way, right?"
To Matt: "You did say you were going to try out for lacrosse."
"Until I have a long track record of not- having an episode. Maybe a month or so."
Fullmoon is on the weekend, so. Not really a chance to show any sort of improvement during school hours.
"I pretty much broke out of the house yesterday without speaking to him about it."
"I begged and bribed and was a model daughter for a whole year. Worst year of my life," she jokes. "Stefan had my back though."
She looks to Erica.
"You have a thing too?"
"Epileptic seizures. People poke fun, laugh in the hallways, the usual. I wasn't going to let that stop me."