The next day, as with every day, students must attend homeroom.
"It'll be fun, don't worry. I mean, it's my first party ever. I'm going to make the most of it. Including costumes."
"I'll make sure to give you a lot of forewarning."
She does English.
"I invited Matt to hang with us at lunch, by the way. Figured he should meet you and Erica so you can both judge him appropriately," she jokes.
"At lunch? Probably just Matt and Erica. Though Jackson, Lydia and Brian have been attempting to stalk me, so I wouldn't be suprised if they made an appearence."
"I can tell them to leave. I might have to compromise and have lunch with them tomorrow though. Big groups aren't really my thing either."
"She's charming, so I am charmed. That's the process."
She continues with English, speeding through it.
And then they can go to lunch.
Boyd goes to keep Erica company while Juliet collects Matt.
...Juliet doesn't actually know where Matt is. She looks around the the most obvious places first.
"I'm glad. It would have been difficult to restrain myself otherwise."
She detours them to grab their food.
He kisses her again, and then he'll allow her to enjoy her food.
"So who am I trying to impress here? Besides you, Juliet. I assume I'm always trying to impress you."
"You really don't have to try very hard. Your very existance impresses me."
She smiles and addresses Erica. "You'll probably need more than that though, right?"