The next day, as with every day, students must attend homeroom.
She pulls away slightly. "Thus from my lips, by thine, my sin is purged," she whispers.
"We should pick a better reference. Doomed love stories may be romantic, but I don't aspire to that."
Juliet loves his hands. They're free to explore. She takes one and moves it to her lower back, tempting.
He's very tempted. He gives in to temptation.
Today appears to be a day on which no one will be removing their clothes, but this, he can do.
Juliet hmms her approval and explores herself, hands reaching under his shirt and over his ribs.
This will go on for a while.
And after a while has elapsed...
"We should really get going. I don't want to spend all day doing nothing, no matter how fun you make nothing."
"We should. I like this idea. You have any spots in particular in mind, or should we just wander."
She grabs her clothes and quickly heads to the bathroom, ten minutes later she is all ready to go.
"How good are you at riding a bike?"
She leads them to the garage, which is full of old vintage cars and then heads to one side. Three bikes are against the wall, she pulls one out and pushes it to him.
"They're a couple of years old, but should work perfectly fine. Stefan likes to tinker with them occasionally."
"Maybe he and I should do some tinkering together, as classic manly bonding exercise. That's what you do with your girlfriend's supernatural uncle, right?"