It came out of nowhere.
Felix was flying through the shattered skies, enjoying the sights of the many portals, taking the occasional selfie. Then the threads of energy formed between the portals. Felix almost flew straight into one. That kind of thing never happened. And the threads multiplied and filled the air until one...
...Felix now is somewhere else entirely no idea how he got here. While flying through the wilderness the pain starts and eventually culminates with a blood-covered pebble coming out of his mouth. Which was only supposed to happen if Felix was somewhere else so far that the magic that allows his immortality couldn't reach and the only possible place like this would be another universe entirely.
An hour, he gives himself that much time and uses it, but by then Felix decides that crying isn't useful anymore no matter how much he wants to.
Instead Felix searches for civilization, since he is going to stay in this world for the foreseeable future.
"That is still more feedback than what we got back home. Fenris thinks he can imitate and spin out of the regular Skymage powers too, as long there is a immortal with the relevant magic. We have some shapeshifters and he was trying to get something that allows the wings to be shifted away."
"Thank you."
The fountain remains a ridiculous concentration of magic, but what she can understand from apparently fits Felix's description. She can catch the part that connects Felix and the fountain by looking at the space between the two.
Actually... Not really. At least not at first. There's so much there she's just writing out the general structure in words that make sense only to her.
If it takes too long, Felix will ask if it's okay if he takes out his "advanced technology gadget" to read something.
"Nooo problem. The reason it takes a while is, well, how long would it take you to describe a fancy monument as compared to someone's house?"
"Ah, I see, dreamshapers often have a problem with describing things too. I don't mind if it takes a while, worth the effort."
"It's more - the level of detail in there. A picture's worth a thousand words. Anyway, the bit that connects the fountain to you is redundant five or six times over."
"Sounds right, we think it's because Fenris has... high standards for what he considers immortality. He thinks we could have a similarly useful effect with just a tenth of the power spent."
"Probably right. At least half of this is redundant in some way, or stronger than it needs to be, or a self-repair mechanism- At least I think that's what those are."
"Yeah, I bet the self-repair mechanisms have self-repair mechanisms of their own, as I said, high-standards."
"There's a whole circle of repair. A fixes B fixes C fixes D fixes A. High standards indeed. I think I can pull some useful stuff out of here - help me work with the mirrors, maybe even enchant things without them."
"Uh, it might be a good idea to check the properties that the water and the stone have. The waters from a unclaimed fountain can be taken from it and drink anywhere, so mine might still have something of that left? And I assume a bit of stone would be less... an orchestra that sounds like thunder or whatever was the analogy you used."
"That was just a metaphor. The waters are inactive, now, just water. All the stuff that points at you might have previously pointed there, it sounds like. Looking at it a bit at a time would be worse - puzzle pieces and no overall view."
"Man, who knew magical reverse engineering would be so complicated," Felix says with a mocking tone, "I just do tacky furniture, no complication there."
"Engineering, pah. It's closer to art, sliding everything together to get more efficiency, or pivot it to a slightly different use. I have the stuff I use a lot down to very elegant efficiency with different variants for different power levels and so on."
"Efficiency is more of an engineering thing, but again, I have no direct way of knowing what it feels to be putting all these effects together."
"Engineering works with known properties generally, I think."
She holds one hand up to her ear. "The unusual resources guys have a list for you now apparently."
"There's time for me to figure this out. Maybe the mirror will get me something to make me better at magic."
Fenris levitates the boulder-plus-fountain away and starts walking to the portal and then to the resources people. "Do you think there is any hard limit to what your mirrors can do? Or at least one that you have already run into?"
"Too soon to say. If I can do epic level stuff with them though it will be by reflecting a reflection of a reflection of a reflection a hundred times deep."