Kanimir is, as he often is, sitting in his library enjoying a book on magic and pondering theoretical innovation. He has an idea; he writes it down. It probably won't pan out, most of them don't, but it might.
"Honestly, I like people very much as individuals, but in the aggregate I'm almost as sick of them as my brother."
"I like a lot of elementals very much but have met few humans I like. But, you know, I'm a human, so I know I can expect better of us."
"I'm not sure we have that concept at home but I think I'm an introvert, if the translation's reliable there."
"Well, you've been content to hole up in my brother's library and nerd about magic with him, so I'm going to say yes."
"Mine's pretty nerdable too but it's a really young field because we only recently learned how to improve the chances that a child will be magical - not that long before I was born - so there's not nearly so much settled research and accumulated invention."
"Very - I don't know exactly - and how many elements people can work with varies a lot."
"Fairies are a thing we have that aren't human. They have personal magic that runs along themes."
"I don't know all of them, but off the top of my head--plant, animal, music, teleportation, glass, fire..."
"Glass and wood both seem more specific than fire, but my sensibilities are not necessarily objective."
"Glass is my best one. It's not just literal glass, it also does interesting vision tricks."