Kanimir is, as he often is, sitting in his library enjoying a book on magic and pondering theoretical innovation. He has an idea; he writes it down. It probably won't pan out, most of them don't, but it might.
"Because--it's a difference between 'I have not found the solution because I have yet to explore the correct concepts' and 'I have not found the solution because it doesn't exist'."
"--I would be very surprised if it were possible to edit the way the magic works," he says after a moment's reflection.
He blinks as though confused for a moment, and then says "I'm uncertain what was amusing about that remark."
"Ii don't know for sure that my magic system is particularly limited but it seems structurally likely with the elemental basis."
"--I suppose not. I would expect it to but I suppose I've never met someone from your world before."
"Yeah, that's my concern. What's the fastest way to check?" Apple is gone. She looks in the fridge, approximately recognizes grapes, takes a bunch.
"You perform a ritual until you're sufficiently familiar with its moving parts, and then replace a coherent subset of the moving parts with a gesture or word, and repeat the process ad nauseam."