Today, Beacon Hills High School prepares to welcome a new student! Several new students, in fact; a whole class of them. As summer gives way to fall, so too does freedom give way to restriction. Get in your seats, everyone.
"I'm supposed to be eating, I suppose. But this is more interesting." She restrains the urge to take a obnoxious photo of him standing in front of her.
"Mhm. How much would it take to get you to stop taking pictures of people without their consent?"
"Oooh, a bribe. Hmmm," she looks him up and down, "'re really good looking. How about I just take pictures of you?"
He turns his head slightly, as if listening for something.
"Right, like I buy that. Five dollars if you cut it out in the cafeteria. School events and extracurricular activities are fair game."
Juliet pouts for half a second, but then laughs. "Ah. It was worth a try. It's fine, I'll stop, no need to pay me." She slips her camera back into it's bag and then holds out her hand for a shake. "I'm Juliet, and I was not lying about the good looking part, but I'll drop it if it makes you uncomfortable."
"I won't question your taste."
Out loud.
"I'm Boyd. Just Boyd. You might hear something else, but it's Boyd."
"Well. It was very nice to be bribed by you, Just Boyd. Now can I bribe you into showing me the way to my next class?"
"Gym next, alrighty. I'll lead the way."
And he does.
"Good luck with Coach Finstock. He can be...well, good luck."
"With that ringing endorsement, I'm sure it'll be fine." She laughs. "Thanks, Boyd." She pauses. "... do you want five bucks, or is the pleasure of my company bribe enough?"
"Wise words. I'll keep that in mind." She goes to enter the gym, "Are you coming or going?"
Okay people are all good and all, but she needs to blow off some steam. Is there something to hit?
Ahhh, nope. She jumps out of the way, easily and pays them back. But like, you know, playfully? Kind of.