Today, Beacon Hills High School prepares to welcome a new student! Several new students, in fact; a whole class of them. As summer gives way to fall, so too does freedom give way to restriction. Get in your seats, everyone.
And so she takes multiple pictures of them, and then the surrounding cafeteria.
She sits back down eventually. "Thank you. So. That's pretty much 99.9% of my personality. I take pictures. It's a thing."
She looks between Danny and Jackson, confused, but looks to Brian when he speaks.
"I'm thinking about it. It sounds like fun. I think I'll just have to convince my dad to let me... I don't know, do extra things. He wasn't really keen on me attending high school in the first place."
"Submit the photos, even if you don't attend any meetings. It'll build your resume, and you're taking hence anyway. Then, with a year's record, you can show him your canhandle yourself."
"I like that. It might just work. I mean, there are other factors. But I think that could definitely make a lot of headway." She smiles at her, pleased. "No wonder everyone likes you, Lydia Martin."
"I like solving problems. Most people are just particularly complicated problems, and some of them are worth spending time on."
"It sounds very... Sherlock Holmes." She looks back over to Danny and Jackson. Do they still having Something Faces?
They seen to have moved on to talking about lacrosse. Jackson is apparently very excited to try out.
Okay. That works too, she jumps at that topic. "Lacrosse? I've never seen that played before. Are we good? What other sports do we play?" She asks eagerly.
"I'm good at swimming, I've never played basketball or lacrosse though. Hm. I wonder if the school will let me take pictures of the games? Or maybe the try-outs. Are they soon?"
"We don't have a Yearbook photographer yet- at least, I don't think so. I'll ask around. Either way, if you're the unofficial photographer, they'll let you take pictures of anything."
"I'm thinking of taking up the role of Official White House Photographer. Think of all the glamour shots."
"We should really discuss this assumption of yours. Who says you're my First Lady?"