Today, Beacon Hills High School prepares to welcome a new student! Several new students, in fact; a whole class of them. As summer gives way to fall, so too does freedom give way to restriction. Get in your seats, everyone.
"I didn't get a look at his schedule yet, but 'mouthy boy', in this school? Probably Stiles."
"He seems like a handful. Not unlike my cousin, Stefan. Though I suspect in a very different way."
"We should introduce them. Stiles needs to tire himself out sometimes. He's like an over-eager dog, or something, you have to walk him."
Juliet laughs at the image. "Ah. I'm not sure. Stefan is the lonely loner type of guy, and he's a bit older than us. We can take Stiles to a park or something? Let him run around for a while and tire himself out."
Juliet ducks in her seat in response to the shh-ing and raises her eyebrows at Harley and mouths sorry. She gets on paying attention to the teacher.
Art! She loves art.
As does the art teacher! She loves it so much, she talks about it instead of doing it.
The bell rings, which means it's time for Juliet's next class, Math.
Juliet takes a sneaky picture of the wordy art teacher, and a few more of the art room.
Does anyone stick around long enough for her to ask about the way to math class?
"Science. The math classrooms are on the other side of school, you need to hurry. Take a left at the posters about drunk driving, and a right at the bathrooms."
And soon enough, Juliet is in math class!
Would she like to get to know her classmates?
She has two minutes with each person, go!
Ahhhhhh. No. Is this required, or can she please just sit down and let people come to her?
A few students just skip her! In fact, people mostly seem to be using this time to talk to people they already know.
"If i were you I'd just go with 'and future U.S. President.' Leave no room for doubt. I'm Juliet Salvatore. Hi."
"I'll keep that in mind. Salvatore, that rings a bell. Do you guys own one of the local businesses, have your name plastered all over it?"
"Uh. Yeah, more than one actually. We Salvatores like seeing our name in big letters, apparently."
"Interesting. I can't really pin it down. I guess you have your hands in all the pies."
The teacher announces that it's time to switch again.
"Well. It was nice meeting you, Juliet Salvatore."
Another student joins her.
"Hey. Saw you earlier in my science class, right? I'm Josh, you're Juliet?"
"I am Juliet. Good memory. Do you mind if I take a picture of you?" She holds up her camera.