Today, Beacon Hills High School prepares to welcome a new student! Several new students, in fact; a whole class of them. As summer gives way to fall, so too does freedom give way to restriction. Get in your seats, everyone.
With most of their time dedicated to ice-breakers, the science teacher has to let them go soon.
Next, Juliet has art.
The art room appears to be somewhat difficult to find.
"I disagree, but whatever." She grabs her bag and raises an inquisitive eyebrow at Erica's reaction. " you have art?"
...Juliet takes out her camera and snaps a couple of pictures of Erica walking away. Afterwards she slips the camera strap around her neck and walks off down the hall, looking into each classroom. Do any of them look like art-rooms?
As she attempts to locate this room number, she's joined by another pedestrian.
"Hey, sorry, are you in Art too?"
"Yup! Apparently it only materialises once you know it's room number...." she looks at the girl, "or some helpful person comes along and shows me the way?"
"No go. I'm lost too. We can walk together, and if one of us finds it, shout for the other one."
"That's a plan. I like this plan." Juliet checks her schedule again and reads out the number. "So... we go," she looks up at the surrounding classroom numbers, "left?"
The teacher glares at them, but continues her speech.
It's about the value of art in society. She's very long-winded.
Juliet gives the teacher the appropriate sheepish face and then hustles on over to the seat next to her new classmate. She smiles at her and then takes out her notebook and pen, placing her camera on the table in front of her.
The teacher doesn't carve out time for them to get to know each other, continuing her lecture. They've moved on to the history of painting.
"I'm Harley," whispers Harley.
"It'll be fine. Everyone learns to ignore the things they don't like eventually. Are you new in town? I don't think you were in our middle school..."
"That's good, I wanna make a good first impression. Uh, no. I'm a local. Was home-schooled though."
"No? It was fine. I learned a lot. I just didn't get much, uh, socialisation," She pauses, "apparently high-school is the answer to this."
"I can't imagine homeschooling. I'd get so lonely. I'm glad it worked out for you, though. I think you'll like high school, anyway. You might not learn as much, but you'll definitely meet more people."
"Yeah? I don't have any cousins who are that close, and I'm an only child. I always thought it would be kind of nice. Stiles is almost like a brother, I guess."