Today, Beacon Hills High School prepares to welcome a new student! Several new students, in fact; a whole class of them. As summer gives way to fall, so too does freedom give way to restriction. Get in your seats, everyone.
Juliet laughs. "Uh. It does have a good art program. But... the Royal College of Art in London is the best in the world."
"Go. If you can. Don't let someone's opinions hold you back."
She looks at the paper, but it's time to introduce your partner to the class!
Opinions really aren't the thing holding her back...but she's not about to tell Erica that.
Does she go first? Or are there other students before them.
So she stands. "So. This is Erica. She's really nice, really likes fashion and is gonna go to Paris and blow everyone's mind with her awesome medical breakthroughs."
Erica stands too.
"This is Juliet. She has family in Italy and a taste for brooding boys."
The last pair to go are these two boys, who seem to be taking different attitudes to the getting-to-know-you activity.
"This is Stiles. He wants to be a detective, which is adorable, and his favorite fictional character is Luke Skywalker."
"There isn't all that much to learn about the moon's phases, Miss Salvatore, they're the least interesting thing about the moon. But yes, we will go over them."