Today, Beacon Hills High School prepares to welcome a new student! Several new students, in fact; a whole class of them. As summer gives way to fall, so too does freedom give way to restriction. Get in your seats, everyone.
Still staring at Matt, she replies to Bentley, "Thanks again for doing this. Walking would have taken ages."
Juliet will continue to stare at Matt until something happens or they arrive at the Preserve.
"It's okay, I can call a taxi. I have the money for it."
She pauses.
"Beacon Hills has taxis, doesn't it?"
"...there might be a private company? I've never used it. I really didn't plan this very well."
"If all else fails we can call my cousin and if that fails..." She looks to Bentley, "we'll call you? I don't want to put you off any more than we already have."
They exchange phone numbers, and away goes their driver.
"Sorry about all of tape."
She steps up close to him and takes his hands. "It's fine. He was nice, if a little boring."
Hand-holding time! Juliet will also snuggle up to his chest if this goes on long enough.
It doesn't.
Matt pulls away, holding onto her hand as he leads her further in.
"There's a lot of good chances further up. It's not as interesting out here, where you can still see the outside world."
She keeps a strong grip on his hand and allows herself to be lead.
"I've never been in near this part of the Preserve. The Boarding House is all the way on the other side of it, so mostly I just know that part."
"'Being alone in the wilderness, it had looked within itself and, by heavens I tell you, it had gone mad'."
He looks for a tree with a low-hanging branch, and climbs onto it unsteadily, camera swinging around his neck.