Today, Beacon Hills High School prepares to welcome a new student! Several new students, in fact; a whole class of them. As summer gives way to fall, so too does freedom give way to restriction. Get in your seats, everyone.
"This is me saying it's fine, I'm fine. I appreciate your concern, or whatever this is. But yeah." She pauses awkwardly. "He's really socially awkward, you were probably just picking up on that."
"That's alright. Actually, there is something I was hoping to ask you...well, Jackson, but same difference."
"Nah, I've got plans. Which is kinda relevant, actually. So. I'm dating Matt Daehler. Well, very soon to be dating Matt. Is this what Danny's problem with me is?"
"Let's hope. But if it is, Danny should probably have a conversation with Matt about it."
"Maybe let me know if it's something else? If that's not a breach of your friendship or something. Or maybe ask him to talk to me himself. Whichever."
And when she retrieves her stuff, Matt is waiting in the parking lot, as promised.
"I didn't actually plan very far ahead. Mind hitching a ride?"
She laughs. "It was a bit spur of the moment. You're forgiven."
She looks around for anyone familiar.
"You have anyone in mind?"
"Well, there's Danny, he'd probably help out...Greenberg? I can try Brian, but I think that's a 'no'."
"Hmmm. I don't think we should antagonise Danny like that. He doesn't like me. I don't know who Greenberg is and I'm not sure about Brian. We can ask? Are any of them even old enough to drive, or are we actually asking their parents?"
"Greenberg has...someone who drives him. Brian has his older brother. Either one should work. We can always just walk somewhere closer."
"Oh. Sure! If you want. Uh, I have to get to the lawyer's office first, do you mind riding along ten minutes for my brother to drop me off there?"