Today, Beacon Hills High School prepares to welcome a new student! Several new students, in fact; a whole class of them. As summer gives way to fall, so too does freedom give way to restriction. Get in your seats, everyone.
"Hi. You're not just some kind of creepy lurker that likes watching people sleep, are you?"
She sits up.
"Not that I'm judging or anything."
"I'm the guidance counselor. I've been looking for a chance to talk to you, since you're new to the district. I saw you out here and thought the timing was perfect for you to stop by my office."
"No need for anything immediate. Come stop by some time during lunch this week."
She heads back inside.
"It's was nice meeting you!"
Didn't even get in trouble for skipping class. Weird.
She heads on over to English.
Danny accosts her when she arrives.
"Hey, are you alright? I heard you were sick."
"I went overboard in Gym. I have a Mood Disorder, so sometimes if I get too excited I do stupid things. Hurtful things."
She sits down next to Boyd.
"So, grounded. 'Coz I know better and my dad knows I know better."
"What a horrific display of reckless endangerment of your peers. Has your dad ever attended high school?"
"I'm pretty sure he appeared fully formed as a overprotective fourty-something. They don't get to go to high school."
"So. I kinda invited Erica to come sit with us at lunch... is that okay, or should I go let her down nicely?"
"She's... yeah, I get the hesitation. But I like her. She's blunt and says what she means. No bullshit."
"If you haven't noticed yet, me and Erica aren't very popular. If you wanted to do anything about your own popularity, now would be the time."
"Popularity seems like so much work. And I don't really care if people don't like me..."
"No, rephrasing that. I like interesting people. Interesting people like me. If they don't like me, they're not interesting. There are exceptions. But I choose to ignore them."
"Interesting people might not like you if you're sitting with people who'll bite their head off."
"If they can't handle a little pressure then they don't qualify as interesting, by my standards anyway."